The Bakermans Blog
Tips, reviews, environment and even some history.

Baking golden crust bread in a combination oven
Baking bread in a convection oven usually results in a pale, unappetising crust. On the other hand, your combination oven is cheaper to use than

Recipes from Christian feasts and traditions
Recipes from Christian feasts and traditions Catholic feast days are often associated with traditional recipes and there are many variations around the world. Putting aside

The Cheshire Loaf
The Cheshire Loaf Flour, salt, water Bread has 3 basic ingredients: flour, salt, water. Bread has been baked in England with wheat or barley certainly
#Environment – eat less meat
#Environment – Eat less meat Eating less meat helps the environment in many ways. The meat industry produces a lot of greenhouse gas, and also
Make your own stock from vegetable peelings (recipe)
Making your own vegetable stock from vegetable peelings is a great way to add flavour while minimising food waste by using vegetable peelings that would

All about fish
All about fish Today I was at the fish market. I have a couple of favourite fishmongers based on helpfulness and how well they fillet

Eating vegetables in season #environment
Eating vegetables in season #environment Eating vegetables in season has a positive impact on the environment. Here are a few reasons why When vegetables are

The Environmentally Friendly Kitchen
The Environmentally Friendly Kitchen Keeping your kitchen environmentally friendly involves making conscious choices and adopting sustainable practices. Here are some tips to help you create an

Sourdough stirrer
Make a Sourdough Stirrer So if you make sourdough, you are probably mixing your starter with a fork. I wanted to improve on this with

BioloMix 700g Dry Food Milling Machine
BioloMix 700g Milling Machine 5/5 So you know the coffee grinders that have a single blade that whizzes round. I have one and use

Cooking whole fish and how to serve
Cooking whole fish and how to serve Fish should be well gutted by your fishmonger

Schär Bread Mix
Schär Bread Mix 5/5 I have used a few gluten-free flours before and attempted my own mixes to make bread rolls. This was the